Below you will find many answers to frequently asked questions. Can't find what you need? Please contact us via the contact form.
Are you a retailer and you sell goods online as well as offline? If so, you can make a difference and help ensure a sustainable last mile! Interested? Get in touch using the form. We will arrange a meeting with you to evaluate your specific situation, go into more detail about Smartdrop and see which steps to take next.
Definitely! Your personal Smartdrop database can be linked to your checkout via a very simple API. This enables you to inform consumers about the most sustainable delivery option available to them. It is important to provide consumers with this objective – along with scientific information –so they can make sustainable choices and we all work together to create a more sustainable future.
The most sustainable delivery option depends on your own logistics chain and the location of the end consumer. This means the best option will always differ depending on the consumer. Smartdrop provides unique advice for each consumer.
Smartdrop is completely free for consumers.
Retailers who wish to participate in Smartdrop have to pay for the service.
An annual fee applies. The amount to be paid is determined based on two parameters: How many online transactions your company makes, and whether or not your company is a member of Comeos.
The annual fee includes:
- Access to the dashboard on which the last-mile calculations are fully analysed
- Access to the API that links to your online shop's checkout page
- Support
- Contact with scientists at VUB (if relevant)
If you would like a price quote for your company, please contact us via this link.
As a retailer, you get access to a personalised dashboard packed with insights into your last mile.
You will gain insight into the different logistics flows you use, the impact of the different partners that also take into account consumer movement, and a mapping of your last-mile activities against all possibilities regarding last-mile logistics.
The insights can also be used for the European sustainability reports.
Retailers who wish to participate in Smartdrop have to pay for the service. An annual fee applies. The amount to be paid is determined based on two parameters: How many online transactions your company makes, and whether or not your company is a member of Comeos.
The annual fee includes:
- Access to the dashboard on which the last-mile calculations are fully analysed
- Access to the API that links to your online shop's checkout page
- Support
- Contact with scientists at VUB (if relevant)
If you would like a price quote for your company, please contact us via this link.
Smartdrop is currently based around Belgian consumers. The delivery address therefore has to be in Belgium. On the other hand, your custody account can be in Belgium or abroad.
The pricing of delivery options is completely non-binding. You can choose whether or not you want this to depend on Smartdrop. Smartdrop is an advisory tool. It will not affect your logistics flows or delivery options.
Smartdrop comes with a user guide to make it recognisable to consumers. As a retailer, you can handle this with great freedom, providing you meet the basic requirements (minimum size logo, colour, etc.). You can request this user guide via the contact form.
The most sustainable delivery option depends on your own logistics chain and the location of the end consumer. This means the best option will always differ depending on the consumer. Smartdrop provides unique advice for each consumer.